Article 75 – The Irish Minister for Health should Resign

The Killing of Terminally ill ChildrenIn my last article, I mentioned the importance of precision in the use of language, so as to avoid confusion. Today I want to take a quick break from Pope Pius XII’s allocution to midwives in order to emphasise the same point about language with regard to something more current in Irish society. There are some in Ireland today who favour putting terminally sick children to death if they are not yet born, and if … Read More

Article 74 – Pope Pius XII on Family 2

Marriage! Family Matters …cont’d God is OrderGod is a God of order. Simply put, this tells us that God does everything for a particular purpose. He creates things for a purpose and we have ‘right order’ when that purpose is being followed. The maxim ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’ captures the essential essence of right order. Conversely, disorder, is when persons or things are used contrary to the purpose for which God created them. The Importance … Read More

Article 73 – Pope Pius XII on Family

Pope Pius XII – Allocution to MidwivesIn the coming weeks I would like to take a look at Pope Pius XII’s allocution to Italian midwives from October of 1951. This allocution is very important for those who wish to have a proper understanding of marriage particularly when, as we have seen, a former President of Ireland has joined with a group of dissenting Catholics in calling for the over turning of Blessed Pope Paul VI’s encyclical ‘Humanae Vitae’, falsely stating … Read More


I realise that things have been very quiet on this site of late and that I haven’t posted anything since November 13th last year. It has been a busy time with two conferences, one in Kerry in December and one in Cork at the beginning of this month. I hope to upload that particular talk in the near future. This talk seems to some to be a little controversial because I am asking questions, and hoping that all those involved … Read More

Calling Catholic Fathers

On November 5th I gave a talk at the annual Catholic Voice conference in Limerick. You can listen to the talk HERE You can download a transcript of the talk HERE This talk points out that the Catholic Church is being undermined from within by those Catholics who promote false and misleading teaching all the while claiming that it is what the Church teaches. It uses a simple mathematical formula to help Catholics to understand the second Vatican council. Stress … Read More

Article 72 – You Shall be Like God

Marriage! Men & Women reluctant to Marry Young The Traditional Catholic FamilyReaders of the Catholic Voice may be interested to know that I now present a half hour programme on Radio Maria Ireland at 4pm on Friday afternoons called ‘The Traditional Catholic Family’. Radio Maria Ireland do not have a standard broadcast licence at present in Ireland, so the show is only available either online or in Dublin and Cork with a DAB (digital audio broadcasting) Radio. You can also … Read More

Ireland & Contraception

A Brief History of Contraception in Ireland and the Church response to it You can listen to this talk by clicking on this link The Story of Contraception in Ireland I was invited by Patrick McCrystal to give a talk at the Human Life International Conference ‘By Way of the Family’ which was held in the Clayton Hotel in Leopardstown on September 24th 2016. Patrick asked me to speak about the history of contraception in Ireland with a particular look … Read More

Article 71 – Marriage, Bishops Fail to Speak Out

First Published in ‘The Catholic Voice’, Ireland, September 2016 By Way of the Family I gave a talk at the Human Life International, ‘By Way of the Family’ conference, on Saturday 24th September. My talk was on the history of contraception in Ireland and the response of the Church in Ireland to it. Whenever someone of faith looks at this history, they will be filled with a deep sadness at the way that the flock of Christ were neglected. The … Read More

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