Article 8 – Another Difficult Marriage


Elisabeth Leseur Another more recent example of a wife obtaining the great fruits promised by St Peter is the story of the servant of God, Elisabeth Leseur, who was born into a well to do family in Paris in 1866. She was fervent in the practice of her faith as a child and was very well educated. She married Felix Leseur on July 31st 1889. Felix was brought up a good Catholic and qualified in medicine in Paris. However his … Read More

Article 7 – The Difficult Marriage


Marriage a gift from God The Difficult Marriage – following St Peter’s advice: “In like manner also let wives be subject to their husbands: that if any believe not the word, they may be won without the word, by the conversation of the wives”. (1 Peter 3:1) Blessed Elisabeth Canori Mora was beatified alongside Saint Gianna Molla and Blessed Isidore Bakanja by Pope John Paul II on 24th April 1994. At her beatification Pope John Paul II said; “For her … Read More

Legio Sanctae Familiae


On Saturday 21st November 2015, I delivered a talk at a Catholic family conference in Limerick, Ireland hosted by ‘The Catholic Voice’ and ‘The Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest.  The talk was titled ‘ Catholic Families will save the world and I used this talk to formally launch ‘Legio Sanctae Familiae’ – ‘The Legion of the Holy Family’. The idea of this Legion is to form an army of Catholic Families who, under the headship of husbands and … Read More

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