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Casti Connubii – Defending Catholic Matrimony from Attack – Part 1

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Pope Pius XI, published his encyclical letter “Casti Connubii”, on Christian marriage, on the last day of the year 1930. He urgently wanted this encyclical to be published in 1930 because this was the year that another great divide was driven between those who call themselves Christians. This deep wound was inflicted on mankind by the Lambeth conference of the Anglican bishops in July of 1930. At this conference, the Anglican communion, for the first time in the history of Christianity, broke with the unchanging acceptance by all Christian denominations of the immorality of contraception. Resolution 15 of that conference marks a dark day in the history of mankind.

Resolution 15 – Lambeth Conference 1930
The Life and Witness of the Christian Community – Marriage and Sex

Where there is clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood, the method must be decided on Christian principles. The primary and obvious method is complete abstinence from intercourse (as far as may be necessary) in a life of discipline and self-control lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless in those cases where there is such a clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood, and where there is a morally sound reason for avoiding complete abstinence, the Conference agrees that other methods may be used, provided that this is done in the light of the same Christian principles. The Conference records its strong condemnation of the use of any methods of conception control from motives of selfishness, luxury, or mere convenience.
Voting: For 193; Against 67.
(Source www.anglicancommunion.org)

Pope Pius XI immediately realised the danger and he saw that a great evil had been unleashed against God and against His desire for mankind to “increase and multiply”. He recognised that a ferocious attack had just been launched against the traditional Catholic family and he urgently wanted to proclaim the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church that contraception is intrinsically evil. At the same time he wanted to encourage Catholics by reaffirming the Catholic understanding of Matrimony.

This series of articles will look at what the Pope said in the Encyclical ‘Casti Connubii’ .

Pope Pius XI now begins to address the problem caused by the Lambeth Conference.

One can detect the anguish that the Pope feels at this grave attack on married life. He raises his voice in public in order to warn the faithful of the danger. Sad to say, his words are no longer heeded and we now have Catholic bishops allowing contraception to be promoted on so-called Catholic pre-marriage courses and to be included in RSE lessons given in Catholic schools. Indeed, a recent example from 2021 in Ireland, shows an RSE programme for primary school children exposing these vulnerable young children to sexually explicit materials in a classroom setting.

(Click on the image above to view my video exposing the dangers of the Irish Bishops’ flourish programme)

What Pope Pius XI says about the encyclical letter ‘Arcanum’, applies just as much to his own encyclical letter, ‘Casti Connubii’. ‘Casti Connubii’ is just as relevant today, and even moreso, than it was back in 1930, where the poisonous teachings of the Lambeth Conference had yet to take a hold on society.

Modern civilisations have deposed the law of God concerning marriage. Legislation is passed which claims to allow the civil authority to set aside the permanent bond of marriage through divorce proceedings. These laws are invalid because they contradict the law of God and they cause grave harm to society. They are opposed to the common good.

Here we learn one of the essential elements of matrimony, namely, the free consent of the couple. A valid marriage cannot take place without this free consent. Where it can be established that this consent was absent, even though there was an apparently valid marriage ceremony, this marriage will be declared null and void. This declaration of nullity is nothing like a divorce. In the case of a declaration of nullity, what is established is that the marriage never in fact took place because of a certain defect or impediment.

Pope Pius XI is careful to point out that the rules governing Holy Matrimony are not dependent on the free consent of the couple. The couple are freely consenting to the rules already established by God and proclaimed through the teachings of the Catholic Church which He founded.

Holy Matrimony has been granted an incredible dignity by God. As a sacrament, it is a channel of the sanctifying grace which is needed by the spouses for them to grow in holiness together. The Catholics of today need to be properly instructed in this great dignity of matrimony.

The liberal societies of today pay no heed to this solid reasoning. They grant an equal legal status to same-sex unions, claiming to put these base and immoral unions on the same level as true marriage. Such laws are an abomination and must be opposed by faithful Catholics.

Many Catholics are unaware that civil unions between a man and a woman are opposed to God’s law and should not be legalised. Marriage is a gift from God and not from the secular State. Catholics should not attend a civil wedding ceremony where Catholics have decided not to have a church wedding. Such attendance is a cause of scandal. In countries where the secular authorities demand a civil ceremony before the Catholic ceremony can take place, Catholics can attend so long as it is clear that they do not recognise the civil ceremony as a valid marriage. But Catholics in these countries also have a duty to oppose this tyrannical misuse of authority on the part of the State.

This last paragraph beautifully encapsulates the reality of a Godly marriage. The marital bond is a sacred union. It is willed by God and it is willed by the two parties to the marriage. The couple strive to conform their wills to the Will of God. The laws governing the duties of the state of married life come from God. The blessings on marriage come from God. The graces necessary to bear the hardships of married life come from God.

The man and the woman are the ministers of the sacrament. They are asked, separately, to confirm their free consent by an independent act of their free wills. Thereby they agree to the marital terms and conditions given by God who has vested His authority over the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church. It is a glorious sacrament.

To be cont’d…

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